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 “Flugparcours” where pilots fly to 10 designated airports over the course of 6 months, have each landing stamped at the airport, submit the form, and get published in a list of pilots that have done it. For reasons I still do not understand, I decided that this activity was a good idea, and began it in earnest. One thing led to another, and I was soon halfway done with the list, while also having visited several airports not on the Flugparcours list. That exposed that I had, until this point, not really gotten over a reality for GA fields in Europe: they are complicated». Read more about his adventures here – it is well worth it.
Choice between fossil fuels and plant-based fuel
“Japan needs to catch up to Europe and the US in the use of SAFs”, says All Nippon Airways Pres- ident and CEO Hirako Yuji. The Japanese carrier is inviting corporate customers to help it cut car- bon emissions by switching to sustainable avia- tion fuels, or SAFs. The Japanese carrier says businesses that take part in the program can choose between fossil fuels or plant-based fu- els. SAFs can cut CO2 emissions by 80 percent compared to conventional fuel. But they cost more. ANA conducted a sustainable fuel cargo flight for three logistics firms last month. The companies received CO2 reduction certificates in return for paying higher fees.
Flying again in Covid-19 times
This month, reports all over the world focus on of out-of-training pilots flying again after a long break due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Stay safe if you have not been flying for a long while, and get ready by attending on of the many, readily avail-
able, on-site or virtual (re)trainings! If you need support in finding the right services for you, you can always contact our office at Also, do not forget to become a member.
19-year-old around the world on circumnavigation flight
“I figured, well, I could (...) do something pretty crazy and fly around the world”: In another arti- cle worth reading by, the 19-year-old Zara Rutherford, talks about her motivation and experience of launching a solo around-the- world mission. “I like to say it makes me see the world. There are some days when you just want to get to your next destination...but when you are VFR you are forced to stay below the clouds and see the world right as you’re flying around it», Rutherford explains. After departing Belgium on August 18, she has since flown across the At- lantic to Greenland, then Canada, down the U.S. East Coast to the Caribbean Islands, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, and up the U.S. West Coast to Nome, Alaska. Read all about it here.
 Zara Rutherford grew up in an aviation family.
Photo:, by Beatrice De Smet, courtesy of Zara Rutherford

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