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GAMA – IAOPA European General Aviation Survey 2021
Results General Aviation Survey 2021
Source: IAOPA Newsletter December 2021
We can present the final version of the first re- port from IAOPA’s data gathering work in Eu- rope.
As you know the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the International Coun- cil of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA), with the support of the European Avia- tion Safety Agency (EASA), last year launched the 2021 European General Aviation Survey. This was already the third edition of the GA Sur- vey which started in 2019. Kyle Martin, Vice Pres- ident – European Affairs, GAMA said: “We are im- mensely grateful to the pilots and aircraft owners from all across Europe who take the time to share their flight hours and related data, as well as their views on the key issues facing our sector. This important information helps us fo- cus our priorities to support the industry.” Dominique Roland, Head of Policy, Innovation & Knowledge Department, EASA, added: “I am convinced, since many years, that GA in Europe will develop when we can build-up a strategy based on the analysis of data. Therefore, we have welcomed the initiative taken by GAMA and IAOPA last year, and we are extremely pleased to see it reconducted this year. The buy-in of the GA community is essential, and I hope the repeti- tion of the survey will convince more and more GA actors to contribute.”
And last but not least Dr Michael Erb, Senior Vice President of IAOPA: “Every GA pilot knows that it is not possible to navigate precisely and safely without reliable navigational data. The GA Asso- ciations and Aviation Authorities are in a very similar situation: One can‘t provide targeted support for the industry without fundamental data about its situation, in terms of the number of flight hours, annual revenues, equipage of the aircraft and without knowledge about where the pilots and aircraft owners see problems. There- fore, especially in the challenging times of the COVID pandemic, it is good to see that so many people participated again in last yearʼs survey. Despite challenges presented by the pandemic, the 2021 survey was successful in gathering re- sponses for over 2500 general aviation aircraft from 40 European countries. Its results are used by EASA in their Annual Safety Review to calcu- late accident rates for Non-Commercial Aero- planes as well as supporting regulatory impact assessments and promoting the benefits gener- al aviation brings to the European economy. Click here for the results of the 2021 survey, and don’t forget to participate (via the same link/page) in the 2022 Survey.