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 International News & IAOPA
Air-to-Air Channels
GA pilots must not use the well known FREQ 123.45 MHz for air-to-air communications, as this frequency is dedicated to airliners on north Atlantic routes or serves as data link in Europe. The new channels for this communication pur- pose are 123.065 and 123.135 MHz. Some States are about to implement those channels and to publish them in their AIP. Some others have still some homework to do before releasing them for GA purposes. All pilots are requested to wait the appropriate AIP publication.
Language Proficiency Requirements
As already mentioned before, we require private pilots flying under VFR to be exempted from any language proficiency requirements. This does neither apply to commercial operations nor to flights under IFR. Furthermore, beside any na- tional languages, at least English shall be per- mitted at all radio stations.
These requirements were heard at the last meeting of the ICAO Language Proficiency Im- plementation Requirements Task Force in Uz- bekistan. Most of the participants support this change. Therefore, a working paper will be creat- ed for the upcoming ICAO meeting in fall this year.
IAOPA EUR Regional Meeting 2023
We normally meet twice per year to share com- mon issues and to set up policies and recom- mendations for our work in international organ- izations. The first meeting this year was held in Kemsing (south of London) in U.K. Please find below a summary of the three most important issues:
GAMI: The new fuel is
mixable with 100LL
The so-called GAMI Fuel will replace the Avgas 100LL in future. In the USA, this fuel is certified for all piston driven aircraft engines with in- duced ignition. There is good reason that all EASA countries will follow accordingly. Since the new fuel is mixable with 100LL, we do not need new fuel stations nor new fuel trucks. The exist- ing logistics for 100LL may be used without any restrictions.
The cooperation with AOPA USA and the Euro- pean AOPAs will be intensified. A new Task Force is about to deal with this important issue.
AOPA France could achieve an extraordinary solution with its member card. This card will en- able the holder to have access to all airports, similar to the one airliner pilots have to gain their jets. The process to become holder of such a card is not easy and subject of quite a bit of work. AOPA Switzerland is now evaluating to copy this process. We will inform all AOPA mem- bers accordingly.
The next meeting is scheduled in fall at the premises of Eurocontrol in Luxemburg.
Changes in German Airspaces
In whatever way you look at it, Germany is an im- portant country for European GA pilots. Many people fly to and from Germany. Several changes

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